COVID-19 We are 100% operational

Dear customers, suppliers and collaborators,


In these moments of great complexity and uncertainty, in which many countries are in an emergency situation, we would like to confirm, and even reinforce, our commitment to support our customers, suppliers and collaborators.


We have adapted and are perfectly organized to keep the sales and productive service at full capacity.


At Fibosa, the priority is to protect the safety and health of people, as well as to serve our clients and especially those related to the health emergency and essential services such as the food industry.


We have activated a set of agile and dynamic measures that will evolve according to the new needs and circumstances of day-to-day.


In this moment, the taken measures are as follows:


 All the workplaces that allow it (sales, administrative, engineering, R&D, etc.) are carrying out teleworking and serving customers and suppliers with the highest level of efficiency that circumstances allow.  

 We maintain the production capacity, having adapted all the pertinent measures according to the health authorities.

 We maintain the post-sales activities: both the delivery of spare-parts, breakdowns, technical services, etc., they are carried out in the same way as before the pandemic, prioritizing the urgent cases. 

 We adapt our post-sales intervention service, according to the protocols about Covid-19 of our customers. 

 We have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfection and the spaces are enabled to keep the distance of minimum 2-3 meters of safety between workers. We follow at all times the guidelines of the Government for the fight against Covid-19. 

 We will pay special attention to the new orders that cover urgent needs in the food industry and other priority sectors that are vital in this fight against Covid-19.


These measures will be evolving based on the measures dictated by the Government of Spain and now more than ever we believe that it’s necessary to maintain fluent communication between the entire sales and service network, to ensure the best service to our customers.


We are at your complete disposal and you can reach us both by the usual contact emails and also at as well as on the telephone number +34 872040204